Biomoleculas De Interes Medicinal E Industrial Anticancerigeno
- Nombre Abreviado 386 ANTICANCER
- Financiamiento ASDI
- Convocatoria Programa UMSA - ASDI 2013 - 2017
- Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto Programa UMSA - ASDI
- Duración Inicio: 01/01/2014 Fin: 01/12/2014
- Tipo de Investigación
Datos SIGEP:
Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad 95 51 0 0000 386 -
Resumen del Proyecto
Bolivia has a fantastic endemic flora with up to 6,000 vegetal species per 10,000 km2, classified as one of the most important in the world. This is a unique natural resource that is possible for Bolivia to exploit. Natural products produced by plants and other organisms continue to play a crucial role in the discovery of new drugs, several reports showed the importance to combine natural products with modern techniques to discover new lead molecules for the prevention or treatment of several maladies. In this way, this project will investigate the potential of Bolivian natural products to be used in the treatment of cancer and other related non-transmissible maladies.
The project will be performed in a team consisting of chemists and biologists who work in collaboration with specialist medical doctors when it is needed. The project includes the isolation, identification, analytical control, modelling, derivatization and biological evaluations of molecules from natural sources with anti-inflammatory and/or anti-cancer activities. Chemical studies of natural products and derivatives will be done in collaboration with LU-CAS...Ver mas
Objetivo General
To increase the ideal personal, highly qualified and recognized, to develop chemical and biological research on Bolivian plants, used in local traditional medicines, in order to generate knowledge for a better understanding of their potential for health purposes (inflammations and cancer)
To optimize the use of human and financial resources for research at IIFB, IIQ and IBMB, training scientists working in multidisciplinary projects, establishing mechanisms to use the big equipments and articulating the existing M.Sc. programs where participate IIFB, IIQ and IBMB and implementing a multidisciplinary PhD program at UMSA in the area
To increase the effective use of research results, returning the results of medicinal plants to the communities for a better local use and transferring some results to Bolivian Pharmaceutical Industry to develop novel products with commercial potential
Objetivos Especificos
To increase the ideal personal, highly qualified and recognized, to develop chemical and biological research on Bolivian plants, completing the PhD studies of candidates of the project Research on Plant Biodiversity and initiating the studies of New PhD and MSc candidates of the project Anticancer Biomolecules
To optimize the use of human and financial resources for research at IIFB, IIQ and IBMB, training scientists working in multidisciplinary projects, establishing mechanisms to use the big equipments and starting the articulation of the existing M.Sc. programs where participate IIFB, IIQ and IBMB
To increase the effective use of research results, returning the results of plants to the communities for a better local use and transferring some results to Bolivian Pharmaceutical Industry to develop novel products with commercial potential
- Coordinador Giovanna Rocio Almanza Vega
Gloria del Carmen Rodrigo Lira
- Participantes del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Licenciatura Becario PostGrado (Categoria D)Licenciatura Becario PostGrado (Categoria D)Licenciatura Becario PostGrado (Categoria D)Licenciatura Becario PostGrado (Categoria D)Licenciatura Becario PostGrado (Categoria D)Egresado Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Egresado Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Bachiller Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Bachiller Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Licenciatura Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Licenciatura Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Universitario Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Co-Cordinador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Coordinador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Doctorando (Categoria D)Licenciatura Doctorando (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Maestria Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Maestrante (Categoria D)Licenciatura Maestrante (Categoria D)Licenciatura Maestrante (Categoria D)Licenciatura Maestrante (Categoria D)Licenciatura Maestrante (Categoria D) -
- Colaboradores del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Chofer (Categoria D)Bachiller Chofer (Categoria D)Bachiller Chofer (Categoria D)Maestria Coordinador de postgrado (Categoria D)Supervisor ()Doctorado Ph.D. Supervisor () - Unidad Proponente Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas
- Unidad Contraparte
+ Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad -