Valorización de alimentos bolivianos con componentes de bajo peso molecular y función bioactiva

  • Nombre Abreviado 397 BAJOPESOMOL
  • Financiamiento ASDI
  • Convocatoria Programa UMSA - ASDI 2013 - 2017
  • Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto Programa UMSA - ASDI
  • Duración Inicio: 01/01/2013 Fin: 31/12/2017
  • Tipo de Investigación
  • Datos SIGEP:
    Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad
    95 51 0 0000 397
  • Resumen del Proyecto

    Program: “Food Science and Technology for the Sustainable Development of Bolivia”. Agroalimentary Program.

    The food sector is of great economical importance in Bolivia. The program is aimed to the valorization of the unique biological material of Bolivia and thereby provide enhanced possibilities for fighting extreme poverty and for development of underdeveloped rural regions. The compositions of the agro-products of Bolivia is essential to strengthen the nutritional arguments behind the Bolivian foods. As a consequence we have focused the research program on investigations around the food chemistry of components with potential health benefits. The ecological values and sustainability of the agricultural system is another essential group of values that motivates the inclusion of a subprogram about biocontrol systems.

    The Program is constituted by three Projects (Subprograms) wchich brief names are the folowing:

    1. Functional Bioactive molecules in Foods
    2. Functional Biomacromolecules in Foods.
    3. Biocontrol Agents in the Culture of Foods
  • Objetivos

  • Objetivo General
    • - To develop research capacity at UMSA to handle research tasks within the area of food chemistry. - To reinforce the master program already existing by improving the research connection and enhance the academic standard to reach an international level. - To build the bases for the creation of a sustainable PhD program. - To increase the number of peer reviewed international papers. - To create a highly interacting interdisciplinary research group. - To prepare UMSA to improve the capacity to interact with communities, cooperatives industries including small and medium enterprises (SME).

  • Objetivos Especificos
    • Travel of the Selected PhD candidates to Lund and beginning of the PhD Studies and research both of the PhD and the M.Sc. recruited students in the local program

    • Prosecution of the Activities of the CEIQA. Development of the involved studies platform. Public relation activities of the baselines and the horizon of the development of the program. Protocolization process of the laboratory procedures. Planification of the sampling universes. Samples selection for the studies. Continue coordination effort with the CAPN-UMSS with Dr. Quillaguamán formed in LU

    • Acquisition of a the FFF equipment and efficient investment in the required consumables and services

  • Participantes

  • Coordinador Juan Antonio Mijail Alvarado Kirigin
  • Co-cordinador
  • - Participantes del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Becario PostGrado
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Becario PostGrado
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Becario PostGrado
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Becario PostGrado
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Coordinador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Maestrante
    (Categoria D)
    (Categoria D)
  • - Colaboradores del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Chofer
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Chofer
    (Categoria D)
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Coordinador de postgrado
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Supervisor
    (Categoria D)
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Supervisor
    (Categoria D)
  • Unidades Participantes

  • Unidad Proponente Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas
  • Unidad Contraparte Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition
  • + Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
    Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad
  • Lineas de Investigación