Subprograma Investigación sobre producción de biopolímeros a partir de residuos de quinua utilizando aislados bacterianos halotalerantes del Altiplano boliviano
- Nombre Abreviado Subprograma Investigación sobre producción de biopolímeros a partir de residuos de quinua
- Financiamiento ASDI
- Convocatoria PROGRAMA UMSA - ASDI 2021-2025
- Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto PROGRAMA UMSA - ASDI 2021-2025
- Duración Inicio: 01/05/2021 Fin: 31/12/2025
- Tipo de Investigación Básica Aplicada Desarrollo Experimental
Datos SIGEP:
Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad 95 510 430 - Resumen del Proyecto Biorefinery of residual biomass using biochemical conversion technologies is strongly increasing worldwide and constitutes the shift towards a bio-based economy (concept of green business). Bioeconomy concept is currently very strong in Latin America considering Biorefinery as a source of novel ideas on how to bioconvert lignocellulose in biomass with high-solids concentration obtaining products with high added value. In this regards, new approaches are needed such as the development of biomaterials for several applications in coordination with the other sub-programs, bio-based inputs and nanobiotechnological products. In order to accomplish the needs, the overall goal of “Biorefinery and Agroindustrial Biotechnology” sub-program is to constitute a strong research group of four PhD in the first years of cooperation (2021 – 2025), dealing with three main research strategies identified as priorities in the concept note: 1) Development of bio-based inputs, 2) biomaterials and 3) Nanobiotechnological products with agro, food, environmental and industrial applications.
Objetivo General
To reinforce research capacity at IIDEPROQ (UMSA) to handle research tasks within the area of biomaterials and other potential biochemicals for new biorefinery applications
Objetivos Especificos
- Coordinador Cristhian Alvaro Carrasco Villanueva
- Co-cordinador
- Participantes del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Ingeniero (Categoria D)Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Bachiller Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Egresado Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Ingeniero Co-coordinador ()Doctorado Ph.D. Coordinador (Categoria D)Ingeniero Doctorando (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador ()Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador ()Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Ingeniero Investigador ()Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D) -
- Colaboradores del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Chofer (Categoria D)Egresado Chofer (Categoria D)Bachiller Chofer (Categoria D) - Unidad Proponente Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de Procesos Químicos
- Unidad Contraparte
+ Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad -