Innovacion y Desarrollo de Clusters en la UMSA
- Nombre Abreviado 400 INNOVACION
- Financiamiento ASDI
- Convocatoria Programa UMSA - ASDI 2013 - 2017
- Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto Programa UMSA - ASDI
- Duración Inicio: 01/01/2013 Fin: 31/12/2017
- Tipo de Investigación
Datos SIGEP:
Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad 95 51 0 0000 400 -
Resumen del Proyecto
The Innovation and Cluster Development Program proposed by Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) is the result of a process in which researchers, SME´s entrepreneurs and strategic partners agreed on a strategic area of innovation driven processes relevant to development in order to achieve sustainable growth in Bolivia.
The proposal takes into account experiences from DIPGIS’ work to develop a wood cluster, from other units at UMSA so far involved in the wood cluster, other UMSA units dealing with innovation studies and development. The program also responds to the objectives of the current public policies for productive development. The main purpose of these policies is to solve the most persistent problems of Bolivia, which are essential for the development of the country, and to improve conditions of life in society. The program will focus on development of SME´s in identified clusters and productive innovation in the cluster firms.
The role of Scandinavian Institute for Collaboration and Development (SICD) at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) are important in the methodology transferring and in...Ver mas
Objetivo General
Facilitate innovation as a fundamental aspect in UMSA generated research to contribute to the productive, economic, social, political and environmental development of Bolivia.
Objetivos Especificos
Encourage relations between researchers and quadruple helix members.
Support implementation of innovative research projects.
Support development of innovation structures and processes for innovations at UMSA.
- Coordinador Ignacio Chirico Moreno
- Co-cordinador
- Participantes del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Archivista (Categoria D)Egresado Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Egresado Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Egresado Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Universitario Becario Pregrado (Categoria D)Maestria Coordinador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Gestor en innovacion (Categoria D)Gestor en innovacion (Categoria D)Gestor en innovacion (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Gestor en innovacion (Categoria D)Universitario Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Maestria Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Investigador (Categoria D)Maestria Investigador (Categoria D)Maestria Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Maestria Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Investigador (Categoria D)Investigador (Categoria D)Ingeniero Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Universitario Investigador ()Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Egresado Investigador (Categoria D)Licenciatura Investigador (Categoria D)Maestria Investigador (Categoria D)Ingeniero Jefe (Categoria C)Maestria Maestrante (Categoria D)Licenciatura Maestrante (Categoria D)Secretaria (Categoria D)Maestria Vicerrector (Categoria A) -
- Colaboradores del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Bachiller Chofer (Categoria D)Chofer (Categoria D)Bachiller Chofer (Categoria D) - Unidad Proponente Departamento de Investigacion, Post Grado e Interacción Social
- Unidad Contraparte
+ Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad -