Implicaciones biológicas de poliparasitismo
- Nombre Abreviado 388 POLIPARASIT
- Financiamiento ASDI
- Convocatoria Programa UMSA - ASDI 2013 - 2017
- Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto Programa UMSA - ASDI
- Duración Inicio: 01/01/2013 Fin: 31/12/2017
- Tipo de Investigación
Datos SIGEP:
Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad 95 51 0 0000 388 -
Resumen del Proyecto
The outcome of an infection is influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. How the
combined impact of more than one factor influence infection is at large unknown. Intestinal parasitic
infections by helminths are very common in rural communities of Bolivia, where lack of clean
water, proper housing and sewage systems allow continuous transmission of helminthes. In this
project we aim to understand how gastro-intestinal parasitic infections influence and are influenced
by nutritional status and if the combination of malnutrition and intestinal parasitic infection is a risk
factor for morbidity due to infection with trypanosomatides T. cruzi and Leishmania sp. in
school children in 3 regions characterized by the different prevalence of T. cruzi, Leishmania and
helminth infections.
In animal models we will explore how malnourishment influences the outcome of Leishmania and T. cruzi infections, two related parasitic infections, which are endemic in Bolivia. The outcome of these infections will be studied in mice fed with diets lacking selective nutrients, or in animals genetically...Ver mas
Objetivo General
As a whole, the present research work is aimed at improving the health of Bolivian schoolchildren from rural areas of highland and tropics, and training of students in the framework of this program. Furthermore, these collaborative studies will allow a more realistic approach to the study of polyparasitism and trypanosomal infections in Bolivia, where multiple intestinal parasite infections are the rule in poor rural communities. This approach drives the pursuit of novel avenues that can impact those living with multiple parasite infections and permit acquaintance of the future PhD student with experimental set ups and techniques for examining parasitological, immunological, and nutritional parameters in children´s natural infections and experimental models of polyparasitism.
Objetivos Especificos
Improve understanding of associated nutritional status, immune parameters, and risks of disease of schoolchildren and youngsters with gastrointestinal infections and co-infections with Leishmania from the study site (Caranavi)
- Coordinador Celeste del Pilar Rodriguez Quevedo
- Co-cordinador
- Participantes del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo (Categoria D)Post. Doctorado Ph.D. Coordinador (Categoria D)Maestria Doctorando (Categoria D)Tecnico Superior Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Tecnico Investigador (Categoria D)Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador (Categoria D)Tecnico Investigador (Categoria D) -
- Colaboradores del proyecto
Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad Bachiller Chofer (Categoria D)Chofer (Categoria D)Post. Doctorado Ph.D. Supervisor ()Supervisor () - Unidad Proponente Laboratorio de Inmunologia Parasitaria del Departamento de Patologia
- Unidad Contraparte Karolinska Institutet
+ Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad -