Biorefinería de biomasa con base Agricultural e Industrial para obtener bioenergía, derivados refinados y sustancias químicas de plataforma

  • Nombre Abreviado 392 BIOREFINERI
  • Financiamiento ASDI
  • Convocatoria Programa UMSA - ASDI 2013 - 2017
  • Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto Programa UMSA - ASDI
  • Duración Inicio: 01/01/2013 Fin: 31/12/2017
  • Tipo de Investigación
  • Datos SIGEP:
    Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad
    95 51 0 0000 392
  • Resumen del Proyecto

    Today, Bolivia is the first worldwide exporter of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) genotype “salar”. This pseudocereal is a domesticated staple food, which can be grown from sea level up to 3900 m and it is widely grown in the Andean region of South America [1]. Nowadays, there is renewed interest in quinoa because it contains more protein than any other grain, i.e. lysine. In fact, it is considered a complete protein since it contains all eight essential amino acids. The interest in the crop has increased outside the growth region as the nutritional value has become more widely known, and 2013 was named “The international Year of the Quinoa” by the United Nations. All these factors have given an increased market value for quinoa, which is now sold at prices several-fold higher than soy-bean or wheat [2]. Thus, quinoa grain is successfully exported to U.S. and often talked about in Europe, about 30 000 tons of raw quinoa per year [3]. The growing use of quinoa also results in lignocellulosic waste...Ver mas

  • Objetivos

  • Objetivo General
    • The overall goal of the program is to establish biotechnological and engineered processes (bioprocesses) in the field of biorefinery of biomass from industrial/municipal wastes to obtain refined derivatives, platform chemicals and bioenergy. Objectives to be accomplished include both training objectives – for building research capacity – and specific project targets. New PhD training is a central component to meet both capacity in science and the research targets. However, strengthening of our local Master programs will allow us to train the students in order to offer a group of well-trained master graduates to be selected for PhD training.

  • Objetivos Especificos
    • Specific objective 1: Gene Cloning, Fermentation and Downstream processing of value added biotechnological products obtained from pretreated lignocellulose (IIFB - IIDEPROQ)

      Specific objective 2: Strengthening of M.Sc program in Biorefinery at UMSA

  • Participantes

  • Coordinador Maria Teresa Arminda Alvarez Aliaga
  • Co-cordinador
  • - Participantes del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria A)
    Post. Doctorado Ph.D. Coordinador
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Ingeniero Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Ingeniero Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Ingeniero Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Maestrante
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Maestrante
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Maestrante
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Maestrante
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Maestrante
    (Categoria D)
  • - Colaboradores del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Chofer
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Coordinador de postgrado
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Supervisor
    Post. Doctorado Ph.D. Supervisor
  • Unidades Participantes

  • Unidad Proponente Instituto de Investigaciones Fármaco Bioquímicas
  • Unidad Contraparte
  • + Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
    Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad
  • Lineas de Investigación