Minerales no metálicos como recursos para el desarrollo sostenible

  • Nombre Abreviado 396 NOMETALICOS
  • Financiamiento ASDI
  • Convocatoria Programa UMSA - ASDI 2013 - 2017
  • Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto Programa UMSA - ASDI
  • Duración Inicio: 01/01/2013 Fin: 31/12/2017
  • Tipo de Investigación
  • Datos SIGEP:
    Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad
    95 51 0 0000 396
  • Resumen del Proyecto

    Bolivia is a country with important non-metallic mineral resources; distributed in the whole territory. Old data from the Geologic Bolivian Service mentions that in those regions important deposits of clays, kaolin, feldspar, quartz, dolomites, limestone, magnesite and gypsum etc. can be found. But, with few exceptions, their scientific knowledge and real potentials for basic or industrial applications are poorly know. Then, this program considers very important to continue the geological research of those non-metallic mineral deposits which can be considered of interest. The emphasis will be on clay-like materials, oriented towards the different application for ceramics, as well as materials suitable to zeolites synthesis; as they are deposits of clays, diatomite, feldspars and others.


    The research has a synergetic relation with the formation of human resources at different levels. Research training and development of PhD students permit the synergistic work between UMSA and LTU. This is based on a sandwich Ph.D. training system, during periods (six month/year) where doctoral students work in a division of research in LTU (Department of Civil,...Ver mas

  • Objetivos

  • Objetivo General
    • To run technological and social development research projects, to a new stage of maturity, and the generation of new transformation processes that promote the implementation of productive community units and/or Production CentreS under the program "Development of Non Metallic Minerals for the Development of Poor Areas in the Bolivian Altiplano.

  • Objetivos Especificos
    • Specific objective 1: To develop skills and capacities for non-metallic mineral processing into value-added products through specialized human resources training (PhD students continuation, master students initialization and one under-graduate thesis in geology).

      Specific objective 2: To perform geological sketches of geological features of two identified non-metallic deposits, to perform methodological sampling and chemical-mineralogical characterization of the sampled raw materials

      Specific objective 3: To continue the study of a feasibility process of production at bench scale of materials of industrial and / or environmental interest from non-metallic minerals

      Specific objective 4: To implement the useful equipment and technical knowledge in the Comprehensive Training Centre for processing non-metallic resources into value-added products.

      Specific objective 5: Finalization of the two PhD students for the 2008 – 2013 period at UMSA- LTU.

  • Participantes

  • Coordinador Mario Blanco Cazas
  • Co-cordinador
  • - Participantes del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Egresado Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Co-coordinador
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Co-coordinador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Coordinador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Ingeniero Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Ingeniero Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Maestrante
    (Categoria D)
  • - Colaboradores del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    Universitario Chofer
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Chofer
    (Categoria D)
    (Categoria D)
    Licenciatura Supervisor
    Doctorado Ph.D. Supervisor
    (Categoria D)
  • Unidades Participantes

  • Unidad Proponente Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas y del Medio Ambiente
  • Unidad Contraparte
  • + Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
    Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad
  • Lineas de Investigación